A Pastor's Ponderings
Rev. Debra L. Thomas
About Me
Behind the Words
Welcome and thanks for visiting. This site is created with the purpose of sharing my thoughts and ideas about faith and life, including sermons and prayers, as well as offering liturgies and ideas for church leaders to use in worship. My hope is that you may be inspired and encouraged towards spiritual growth in your own faith journey. At times you may find comfort in familiar truths of Scripture that speak to reassure you of God's great love and mercy. At other times you may be challenged to think in a different way or ponder a new way of thinking. While I don't claim to have all the answers, indeed perhaps I don't have any answers at all, but in all things I strive to be faithful to God's Word as I, too, learn and grow in my own faith. If there is any good or inspiring thought that comes from this website, it is all to the glory of God alone.
About me professionally:
I am a Presbyterian Minister of Word and Sacrament ordained in 2002 by the PCUSA in the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse, NY. I received my M.Div from Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School and completed Interim Ministry training through the Interim Ministry Network. Before being ordained, I worked as a Certified Christian Educator, having completed Masters degree coursework at Union Theological Seminary and certification exams through the PCUSA. My B.A. from SUNY Potsdam is in Spanish and Education.
Churches where I have served as installed pastor are The First Presbyterian Church of Weedsport and The First United Church of East Syracuse, both in Central NYS. I also served as a parish associate in Skaneateles, NY and as a short-term transitional (interim) pastor in Hannibal and Westernville, NY.
About me personally:
I have been married for 41 years and have 3 grown children and one grandchild. Aside from my title of Reverend and roles as pastor, wife and mom, my favorite title and role is "Nana Banana" as I continue to discover the indescribable joy of being a grandmother. In the rare moments when I have free time, I enjoy music, reading, crocheting, movies, cruising, and nature walks. I also have two cats, Westley and Buttercup (yes, named after the characters in The Princess Bride) and I regularly puppy-sit for my daughter’s two rambunctious pups, Roxie and Velma. I unofficially retired from pastoral ministry in the fall of 2020.